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Data Protection for PH

Data has been growing by leaps and bounds. Industry is being more dependent on data and information for the last decade.

It spells the difference between companies and institutions being competitive and having market share.

But beyond that, the more cyber attacks and the Data Privacy Act that mandates corporations and institutions to be responsible for the data and information that is deposited in their databases.

Data Security and Protection are paramount for corporations and institutions.  

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is endeavoring to safeguard Philippine institutions with regards to the safeguarding and care of data that is being used in almost everyday transactions.

Although there is no 100% in ensuring Data security, there is resilience in handling critical data.

As per data, there was more than 3 billion data breaches in the year 2016. Government data accounted for more than 300 million data breaches and the WannaCry Ransomware contagion this last 2017 highlights the vulnerabilities.

Attacks come from 2 vectors these are from the following:

1. User Endpoints
2. Endpoint defenses

It must be acknowledged that both points are vulnerable through the following:

User Endpoints

1. Via email attachments
2. Clicking email weblinks

Endpoint Defenses

1. User error
2. Social Engineering
3. Unknown

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 has incorporated all the known vector threats but the private sector has also pitched in with regards to solutions that will address these issues.

What is crucial is that both government and private sectors cooperate in addressing the concerns with regards to Data Privacy and Data Security for all those concerned.

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